Saturday, December 23, 2017

Haramain Journey Begins

It has been a while, saya plan for my Harramain trip dlm erti kata lain, menunaikan Ibadah Umrah. Bila kita nak sgt pergi and try hard to go tidak kesampaian. Tetapi, bila Allah dah panggil. Subhanallah, it’s just like a blink and unbelievable saya bakal menjadi tetamu Allah dan baginda NabivMuhammad SAW. 

With less than 35 days from departure date, baru saya daftarkan diri. Alhamdulilah, segala urusan Allah permudahkan dan tomorrow I’m leaving to the Holly land Harramain. 

I decided to post some of me experience here, utk my future reference or many be Insya Allah to give some guide or view for those yang berniat hendak ke sana. 

My schdule was super packed and busy on my last few days sebelum nak pergi ni. My flight tomorrow schedule to depart at 1PM and I have to be at the airport by 9AM. 

I just finished, packing all my luggage and needs for my 12 days. Well, kemas last minit itu adalah semangnya diri ku haha! 

OK, doakan perjalanan saya di permudahkan dan semoga Allah membantu saya dlm mendapatkan Umrah yang mabrur dan maqbul. 

Insya Allah, will try to post some update from Harramain. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Christmas Comes Early...

I always waited for Christmas season to stock-up my shower, hand wash and lotion... Apparently Bath & Body work ada buat special promotion, most of the items at RM50 and for the shower 3 bottles for RM70... Great Deal kan! 

I usually love Vanila based fragrance... Plus point if it caramel and mushmellow sense! These are some of my catch for that day... 

  1. My forever favourite - A Thousand Wishes, my favourite for morning.
  2. Ginger Bread Latte, to replace my Vanilla shower
  3. ..... last but not least Snowflakes & Cashmere
I always make sure that I smell good especially before going to bed.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Super Busy

These few days, I was occupied with so many things, work and work matters. Building new life never is something exciting. Well, everybody sudah pasti akan gembira and excited to start all over with almost plain sheet. 

In these couple of years, I went through a lot. There are so many experience and learning that I went through over the period of times. Ramai yang cakap, the more we face, the more we went through, the more humble person we become. All in all, it makes me a better person. 

Why I got busy? I’ve started to move to my new place, packing an unpacking is really challenging and even more difficult bila kena buat sendiri. Talking about the big move, the biggest things that makes me so happy is I still able to get opportunity to stay with my parents and take care of my them. Alhamdulilah, nikmat paling berharga yang Allah berikan pada saya. 

I’ll share with you more of my new life Insya Allah.

I just in love with my bedroomview... Yes, view from my bed before I close my eyes.