Thursday, November 16, 2017

Kisah Roti Canai dan Cekodok Pisang

Pagi ni saya bangun dan terasa agak sedikit rajin selepas subuh tadi. Terfikir apa nak prepare for breakfast. Buka peti tengok ada Roti Canai Ready-to-Wear eh silap Ready-to-Eat (frozen lah hihi)... lepas tu ada pula Yoe’s Chicken Curry memang cukup padanan. 

Tengah panaskan roti canai, I saw sesisir pisang yang saya bawa from my parent’s. My mum tanak sendiri tau. Well, sepohon je pon ade nya haha! Itu pun  dia tanam sbb nak test teknik penanaman yang dia belajar from Whatsapp. Haha! Mum nowadays kan... 

 Mula-mula nak buat smothie, lepas tu mcm takut muak pula. So I decided buat Cekodok Pisang... Tapi lupa garam and gula haha! Sedap juga, sbb the banana itself naturally sweet. 

Alhamdulilah kenyang dah pagi ni, jap lagi keluar kerja tak payah nak pening-pening cari breakfast and always result kepada lupa sarapan, dan menyebabkan gastic. 

Let’s have an awesome day! 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Selera kuda!

Harini busy sangat sampai lupa lunch. I had late lunch! Hari hujan, maka selera pun makin lah bertambah-tambah. I finally decided untuk makan Nasi Biryani dengan Ayam Madu and Papadom dekat kedai berdekatan. 

Ya Allah... Sedap betul, syukur rezeki Allah kasi untuk masih boleh merasa enaknya Nasi Biryani tu. Tapi, on health and dietary perspective, CONFIRMED BURST! Hahaha... 

Tapi tak apa, yang penting perut kenyang hati pun girang. Malam dah x makan dah, sebab siang makan macam esok nak kiamat! Hahaha! 

Bersenam?....... I leave it there! 😜

It’s all about time.

The qoute sounds familar? The meaning and the learning behind it is absolutely priceless. 

Let me share with you the scenario which always happen in our daily life; 
  1. We wish for something, tapi kita tak dapat. We become frustrated with everything. 
  2. Our friend dapat apa yang kita nak and we thought that we deserved that. Kita jadi marah. 
  3. Something bad happen, kita said ‘Why me? Why not him?’
  4. ...... ‘Beruntungnya dia... She got everything!’
  5. I got it.... Suddenly it was canceled. Jadi marah and frustrated.
These 5 simple scenarios that I’ve shared above are just normal scenarios that happen to ourself in daily basis. Kadang-kadang sama ada sedar atau tidak, kita membelakangkan dan menidakan ketentuan our creator, Allah. 

I personally experienced and also used to have those feelings and until up to one point. I naturally realized, my behaviour was totally wrong. Take a step back, and back to to our very basic principle. 
  1. 99 Asma Ul Husna, NONE of it is negative names. They are all beautiful names. 
  2. HE knows the best for us.
  3. HIS plan is always perfect for us. 
..... and again, everything happen for a reason (that’s one) and it all about time where Allah have greates plan for us and trust me his plan is always the best plan you ever thought. 

Sometimes, it’s really amazing bila kita realize Allah beri segalanya when the EXACT time that we really need it. Even more surprised, sometimes it comes from the channel that we never expected. It’s simple amazing and sometimes unbelievable. 

Never in life have bad perception to HIM, blaming HIM, menidakan ketentuan Allah dan tidak percaya Allah have BEST plan (not only better) for us! 

How to let go the ‘negative feeling?’ 

Do our very best in every opportunity that comes to us, the rest betul-betul bulatkan hati dan serah kepada Allah especially when we are at the juncture. 

“Ya Allah, aku telah buat yang terbaik dan aku serah kan kepada Mu sesungguhnya, Engkau tahu yang mana terbaik utk ku. Jika ia adalah untuk ku, berikan lah pada ku, jika ia memudaratkan aku dan keluarga ku maka kau jauhkan lah pada ku” 

Last but not least, always see Positive and Good things in everything. Insya Allah, we be a better person. 

Saya sekadar berkongsi secebis pandangan dari sudut personal saya untuk perkongsian bersama. 


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Start again?

It had been quite sometimes, I didn’t update this blog. I’ve been trying many times but unfortunately, it doesn’t work out. My tight schedule seems to be the biggest challenge for me. 

Few years back, saya banyak menggunakan Social Media as the communication medium to replace blog. But, To be frank I still prefer to use blog as a medium to write / share anything that I want. Sebagai contoh, saya lihat dari hari ke hari, makin ramai ‘meroyan’ di FB Status and talking / sharing about nonsense buat saya rasa mcm tidak gemar. 

I’ll give a try to update my blog again and at least something for me to read when I gets older or for my next generation to read or probably some sharing points yang boleh di jadikan reference from all of us here in cyber-community.